вторник, 21 април 2015 г.

Международен ученически лагер "Интернационално село" - езиков курс в Словакия - 7 дни, май-юни и септември

Могат да участват ученици на възраст 14-17 години.
"The main idea of the INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE project is:
Participants from different countries meet in a hotel located in Slovakia and stay there for 7 days. During that time they take part in different activities such as language workshops with native speakers from USA, UK, Canada and Australia, sports activities, art and intercultural activities as well as workshops about EU and many other interesting activities.
Through this project they will have a chance to meet their peers from other countries and make new international friendships, get to know them better, the music they listen, the idols they have  etc. It will enable them to get to know the cultures of other nations. The project will also make them more open-minded and tolerant and will show them that they are not much different from their peers from other countries, and that although they speak different languages they are very much alike."

May/June session:
Round 1 = 10.05.2015 – 16.05.2015 -  registration closed - регистрацията е приключила
Round 2 = 17.05.2015 – 23.05.2015 -  There are students from 3 countries in this round. We can host 15-20 more students. още 15-20 ученици
Round 3 = 24.05.2015 – 30.05.2015 -  There are students from 3 countries in this round. We can host 20-25 more students.още  20-25 ученици
Round 4 = 31.05.2015 – 06.06.2015 -  There are students from 4 countries in this round. We can host 10-15 more students. още10-15 ученици
Round 5 = 07.06.2015 – 13.06.2015 -  registration closed
Round 6 = 14.06.2015 – 20.06.2015 -  registration closed
Round 7 = 21.06.2015  27.06.2015 -  There are students from 7 countries in this round. We can host 10 more students. -регистрирани ученици от 7 страни,възможност за още 10

September session:
Round 1 = 06.09.2015 – 12.09.2015 -  There are students from 7 countries in this round. We can host 10 more students.ученици от 7 държави,възможност за още 10
Round 2 = 13.09.2015 – 19.09.2015 -  There are students from 5 countries in this round. We can host 20-25 more students ученици от 5 държави,възможност за още 20-25 ученици
Round 3 = 20.09.2015 – 26.09.2015 -  There are students from 5 countries in this round. We can host 20-25 more students 5 държави,още 20-25 ученици
Round 4 = 27.09.2015 – 03.10.2015 -  registration closed
Таксата за участие е 187 евро и включва :

6 nights in the Hotel Sorea** and use of all its facilities like the indoor swimming pool, table tennis, billiards, darts etc. - 6 нощувки и ползване на всички услуги и съоръжения
full board (breakfast, dinner and supper + supper on arrival and breakfast and packed lunch on departure).- пълен пансион/закуска,обяд,вечеря/
language workshops with native speakers. - семинари по англ. език с преподаватели англичани или американци
participation in the sports, arts, and other activities from the project itinerary. участие в различни дейности по проекта

Таксата не включва :
tickets to “Aqua City” (about 10 EURO/person). билети за аквапарк - 10 евро на човек
entrance tickets and local guides during trips (about 5 EURO/person ). входни билети и местни екскурзоводи по време на пътуванията - 5 евро на човек
transport to and from the hotel. транспорт до и от хотела,т.е. билетите до

Lubovnanske Kupele in the Tatra mountains in the north of Slovakia, 7 km away from the town of Stara Lubovna, close to Poprad.http://www.internationalvillage.eu/?location,12
• transport during trips. разноски за транспорт по време на екскурзиите
insurance for participants and teachers. застраховка

Участниците се разпределят в смесени групи,дори в стаите са от различни националности
мнения на вече участвали ученици : http://www.internationalvillage.eu/?for-students,47
Да владеят поне ниво А2, може да са 13г. и 10 м,но не повече от 17 г. 
Има по две занятия по английски на ден, с акцент върху говорните умения.

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